4 Things I’d Tell Myself If I Were Graduating College This Year

4 Things I’d Tell Myself If I Were Graduating College This Year

Every year at this time, I’m reminded of my own college graduation; thanks to Facebook Memories and the lovely pictures of happy graduates in caps and gowns brightening up my newsfeed. And while no one has asked me - yet - to deliver a commencement address, I’ve been deeply inspired to share somethings.

5 Lessons From My First Year of Self-Employment

5 Lessons From My First Year of Self-Employment

As some of you may know, I launched my independent copywriting and storytelling business last January and I’ve been pursuing it fulltime ever since. During this time, I learned A LOT about myself and about doing business my own way.

Everyone’s journey is bound to be different, but I've narrowed it down to five big lessons that I think apply across the board, so let’s dig in…